Where to find courses for Transport Canada drone pilot exam?
We are currently providing simplified courses to help you prepare the theory (each module will have its course), and we invit you to read the following materials to acquire additional knowledge and useful informations to pass the exam.
We recommend a regular visit to the Transport Canada “drone safety” portal: drone-safety
Here is the list of guides recommended by Drone-Exam-Canada:
– Officials small RPAS pilot knowledge requirements : exam knowledge
– Canadian Aviation Regulations (warning, « heavy » webpage) : CARs
– Study and Reference Guides provided by Transport Canada: guides
How to maintain our skills as required by the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
901.56 – No holder of a pilot certificate “basic operations” or “advanced operations” shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless the holder has, within the 24 months preceding the flight:
a) been issued a pilot certificate “basic operations” or “advanced operations” or
b) successfully completed:
– either of the examinations referred to in paragraphs a) or,
– a flight review in a school, or
– any of the following recurrent training activities:
1) attendance at a safety seminar endorsed by Transport Canada Aviation;
2) completion of an RPAS recurrent training program designed to update pilot knowledge;
3) completion of a Transport Canada endorsed self-paced study program, which is designed to update pilot knowledge.
It seems that the easiest method to meet this requirement is to retake the online exam every 2 years…